Before you arrive we can provide you with any information you need but before you can rent you must first finish the following housing process on base....
Yokosuka Base Housing Center:
Once you check into your command here in Yokosuka they should direct you to the housing office on base. Housing will give you the tools and information you need to find the right home for you. You must also complete their schedule before picking property for rent. Until that process is complete we can not give you the contract for a home, but can show you some places and give you an idea of the market. The steps are as follows:
1. Attend the Housing brief
2. Initial visit to the Interpreter's office
3. Make an appoint to view homes
4. Find your home
5. Go to the Interpreter's office to schedule a Start Paperwork Date
6. Go to SPW appointment
7. Go to Disbursing
8. Contract signing on base
9. Final appointment with on base counselor
10. Back to Disbursing
11. Move in
The whole process can take from 1 week to 1 month.
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